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OPARG Committee Members

Click each logo to link the detail information.

 PIONEER    Verbatim

OPARG Supporting Members

The following companies have already announced their endorsement of the Optical Archive Group, and work to promote the adoption of optical disc archiving by proposing comprehensive solutions (covering specifications, system configurations, and application environments) in accordance with the framework for digital archiving that will be created by the Group.
Click each logo to link the detail information.(depending on its availability)

 EPSON   incom   NETZON   Pdo   POINT

 RIMAGE BifrosTec Digital Streams  UNITEX

  ALMEDIO   jpc   DISC Archiving Systems   ASTI

  Digistore Solutions Holdings   StorageQuest   SHINKOWA Softwear   創朋

 Amethystum Optoelectronics   アイ・オー・データ機器   Info Source Digital Media   BEIJING KDS DATACENTER SOLUTION

 DACAL   STARSHINE   Sorage Quality Solutions   Nippon Techno Lab

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